According to the blog which post the title of Open Table.com online restaurant reservation on the My E-commerce. (http://ecommerze.blogspot.com/search/label/e-Tailing)
OpenTable.com is an innovative e-commerce business
model services which started in 1999. This business model provides a convenience service for nowadays people especially for those who live in New York and San Francisco. OpenTable.com offered for register as a restaurant member of OpenTable.com in order to manage reservation and improve customer services themselves.
Form the blog, OpenTable.com become popular due to some reasons
such as the customers can conduct the reservation outside the business hours. It also provides one-click cancellation for the reservation. Besides, OpenTable.com can let customer to leave some message to the restaurants in his or her reservation. For diners, they can efficient way to find available tables that meet desired criteria for cuisine, price and location at a specified time from the websites which provides in the seconds.
OpenTable.com has taken more than 40 million reservations. This attracts many notable restaurants to become as a member of the OpenTable.com such as Daniel in New York. In my view, these restaurants would like to increase their reputation and the customer services.
Would like to book a table for the particular restaurant? Just explore to www.opentable.com which can help you....However Malaysia not yet have this good sound e-commerce business model. Hope someone can implement it soon!!
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